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Meet Our Pastor –

          Pastor Fred Karlen

Pastor Fred came to us in 2012 bringing with him a wide and diverse background of ministry and service along with a passion to share the Gospel and build up the Kingdom of God. As a follower of Jesus, he is a lover and scholar of Scripture who works hard at both unlocking the richness and background of a passage as well as making a strong and compassionate application to our lives today.  He has a love for teaching and preaching.

His experience and service encompass a focus on children, youth and young adult ministries (including 9 ½ years as “Acting” Principal when a K-8 school ran into trouble), facilitating group ministries, training teams for lay pastoral counseling, and leading mission teams ranging from serving the Native Populations of New Mexico to the rebuilding of  New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.   He loves leading worship, preaching and teaching.  He has a heart of compassion which invests in individuals, in communities and in the world at large; beyond Grace you will find him providing leadership and sitting on Boards of Directors for both church and nonprofit service organizations.

On a personal level, he is the husband of one, father of two, grandfather of four who loves exploring and adventure; photographing God’s creation; enjoying family along with hiking, camping, skiing and just about anything outdoors. 

He is friendly too  .

The Little Church on the Hill
Pastor Fred Karlen



                Welcome to Grace

We are a warm and welcoming family of believers who are committed disciples to following Jesus, we know a God who loves all people and strive to make that love known here in our community.   We hold Scripture to be inerrant and God to be compassionate with a heart for all, we work to love each other as God loves us and to live that love out into the community and world.

I would love to say we are “warm and welcoming,” but to be honest, everyone says that about themselves; so instead of trusting in a posted blog, please come and join us some Sunday and check it out for yourself.  I hope you find that we really are and maybe even find a new home with us here.  You are always welcomed at Grace. 

Who We Are

We are a compassionate family of faith following Jesus in this often harsh and confusing world.  We are Children of God, aware of that place which each of us have in the restless, seeking heart of the Father.  We are a community eager to share the life changing Gospel both in Word and in acts of kindness, love and compassion. We invite you to come, discover and be a part of us.

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